When choosing the right preschool, most parents would first enquire about the fees and study duration and survey the preschool environment as a whole.

While that may be quite the general concern, do you know there is other information you can always ask? Some essential questions would be:

  • Is the kindergarten a licensed centre?
  • Are all the teachers qualified? Most importantly, do they love children?
  • What are the curriculums? And is it proven?
  • What is the teacher and student ratio?
  • Are there any testimonials or reviews from existing or past parents?

Choosing the right preschool is crucial because parents commit their children to several years of care and development at the preschool. Therefore, it is never advisable to sign-up with a preschool for a year and change it on a whim just because there are no results or miscommunications.

We require understanding and support from parents to make instilling a habit possible. Both the preschool teacher and parents need to support one another to ensure that the child is happy and continues to be excited about coming to school. We need to be sensitive to their emotional needs, and there may be times when the child wants to behave differently in school.

We hope that parents make the wise choice in choosing a caring and loving centre for their children.